Happy Spring-it is time to take a deep dive into our shorter clothes , and gasp, even bathing suits!! In honor of that and dealing with some inflammation related to some auto immune diseases, I have jumped into Paleo. Now , before any strict Paleo peeps come at me, please remember the title is "Paleoish". I am all about doing the best we can with what we know and also that when we make health changes, they need to be sustainable. That means, for me, I still eat some chocolate chips and once in a blue moon, I have eaten a dressing or sauce that is not Paleo. To start, what the heck IS Paleo?To me, it is "eating like cavemen did"-if they didn' t have the food, I can't eat it . It is pretty limiting,but also basic. I CAN NOT eat: legumes (including peanuts, but I started back eating those,as they have not made me swell and I love them) beans grains (no wheat/no oats) gluten refined sugar corn ( no nacho chips.....) processed food (never really a good idea) sweetened drinks or soda (also really not a good idea) artificial sweeteners (I did have some when I had Dutch Bros in AZ,but ya gotta live a little;) It was bette r than adding in 90 g sugar in a drink!) tofu many oils white potatoes You CAN eat beef pork (nitrate free) chicken fish ( I love salmon now!) coconut sugar almond butter nuts veggies fruits green peppers/red peppers/tomatoes-allowed,but I also gave them up for a bit,bc they are called nightshades and can cause swelling, so I tested that out) avocado or olive oil olives coconut milk (even full fat) chia seeds sweet potatoes cassasva (a root veggie that makes amazing chips) eggs If you want to know more, please refer to Paleo Running Mama to one of the below sites, as they are far more knowledgeable than I . I just want you know that it IS doable and you will be ok. I don't buy the Paleo sauces/dressings/etc bc they are almost double the non Paleo sauces.. I have learned to make some things on my own with a few spices or just eat salad with no dressing or with lemon. I also have learned to like mustard on tons of things-including tuna fish salad instead of mayo! Your tastebuds truly do change. I am happy to share more and share some recipes I have found and love. Overall, remember when you choose your food, it is not a "diet" but a lifestyle. ENJOY what you are eating and know WHY you are choosing to give something up. Lastly, do not beat yourself up or quit if you eat something on the NO list.. I promise, the two times I had chips n salsa in AZ were worth it;) Let me know if ya give it a try!!
I gave up carbs for a few years.. yes, like good ol delicious pasta, rice and bread.. No, I didn't get hard core and give up the carbs in other food like fruit, etc.. Who has time for counting all that stuff? I don't:)
I used to drink shakes,too..like JUST shakes.. maybe a snack and then dinner.. I mean, who has time to give up all the food?I guess I thought it was smart...ummmm..... Fast forward to July where I started learning more about being healthy and eating well vs not eating. Someone told me carbs are actually GOOD for my body-I about laughed in her face..until I understood that they really are energy for the body!! I also learned the difference between "good" carbs and carbs like the pic above...yea, french fries, white pasta and chips don't quite fit in the "good" carbs category. I started eating wheat bread and veggie pasta and was S O happy and stopped drinking shakes and GASP, I started losing inches like never before!! Let's be real, though, sometimes, we want to eat crap. I had a TO DIE FOR gyro last night (I mean, it had onions and tomatoes on it, so that is healthy, right?!) and french fries... I didn't die , didn't gain weight and won't do it again for a few months. I am not indulging in any of the above snacks today-don't even know who is playing in the SB, to be honest!! HOWEVER, if you are or if you like pizza , fries or other carbs once in a while, I have your back. Comment below with your best recipe or GIF of a yummy Super Bowl treat! I will enter ya into a giveaway for some goodness that will keep you covered!! Remember, life is about moderation and enjoying food!! |