Let's face it, if you are a parent, you have encountered a child who has been angry or has had a tantrum at one time or the other. That's normal behavior, albeit annoying at times.
However, think about your child with hearing loss. Does he or she seem to tantrum more often than other children? Does he or she toss things? Does he or she hit? Does he or she not follow directions? I am going to ask you to read this post when you are NOT going through one of the above situations, so you are more calm and level headed. Children with hearing loss often have difficulties communicating. They can't always articulate their wants, needs or desires. They can't always understand what you want from them and don't always understand your facial expressions until you get to the point of full out anger. These are all normal experiences that children with hearing loss go through. It is very frustrating at times for them. They don't understand or aren't able to express themselves right, and then Mom or Dad get mad and they seriously are confused as to why they get in trouble. Work with your child. Look at him or her when you are communicating so that there is a clear path for information to flow, whether it is signed or spoken. Get your child's attention before you request something, so you are sure he or she truly can hear and understand. Stop what you are doing and pay attention when your child is requesting something. Encourage him or her to keep explaining with gestures, more words, more signs,etc, if you are unsure-just don't say, 'oh, forget it.' Most of all, give your child and yourself time and space and allow the communication to grow and evolve. Don't punish, but rather try to figure out ways to improve communication and lessen frustration. If you are frustrated, I guarantee, your child is,too.
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10/28/2022 11:43:19 pm
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11/4/2022 07:10:19 pm
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Allison Schley is a teacher of deaf and hard of hearing children. She took her passion for kids with hearing loss and became an author. She wants all children with hearing loss to know they are amazing and that hearing loss will not keep them from following their dreams.Archives
July 2023