I know, it's the middle of the holiday season-what on earth am I thinking talking about NOT gaining weight-the pandemic alone is enough to make us eat everything in sight and now holidays?! For real..it's possible.. I was one who always ate my stress.. ate my pain...ate my worry...but then I learned there are better ways..thought I could share a few!! First of all... we are not supposed to be eating out much... some states you can't eat in restaurants, others there is limited seating and others made the menus so small, you can't even find your fav dish. That helped me..I mean, I don't go out often anyways,but we definitely lessened how often we brought home bagels and other quick meals.... Second, drink water..there is no excuse-you have it in front of you ALL day. Get a water bottle and add a straw* yes a metal one, chill* It fills ya up, it hydrates you, it helps your skin look better and it flushes out junk..win/win all around. Third, get some healthy supplements... some have appetite suppressants that are natural*none of that fake junk I see people slapping on their skin or popping that gets them shaky and wound up* , some that help melt belly fat and some that give you energy to get off the couch and DO stuff (if you saw my stories on FB or IG today, you would see the whirlwind of goodness I am getting done! Fourth, Intermittent Fast. This has been HUGE for me-there are lots of ways and what you can eat and what you can't ..but I am focusing on the time..I don't eat past 7 or 8 pm and don't eat again until 11am.. Dude, I promise, if I can go that long without food, you can. It has made ME in control of food vs food controlling me.. it's been a life changer. Love to hear what you have done to help yourself during these hard times. I see you, I feel you and I truly want to help you!! #SchleytheDay