I gave up carbs for a few years.. yes, like good ol delicious pasta, rice and bread.. No, I didn't get hard core and give up the carbs in other food like fruit, etc.. Who has time for counting all that stuff? I don't:)
I used to drink shakes,too..like JUST shakes.. maybe a snack and then dinner.. I mean, who has time to give up all the food?I guess I thought it was smart...ummmm..... Fast forward to July where I started learning more about being healthy and eating well vs not eating. Someone told me carbs are actually GOOD for my body-I about laughed in her face..until I understood that they really are energy for the body!! I also learned the difference between "good" carbs and carbs like the pic above...yea, french fries, white pasta and chips don't quite fit in the "good" carbs category. I started eating wheat bread and veggie pasta and was S O happy and stopped drinking shakes and GASP, I started losing inches like never before!! Let's be real, though, sometimes, we want to eat crap. I had a TO DIE FOR gyro last night (I mean, it had onions and tomatoes on it, so that is healthy, right?!) and french fries... I didn't die , didn't gain weight and won't do it again for a few months. I am not indulging in any of the above snacks today-don't even know who is playing in the SB, to be honest!! HOWEVER, if you are or if you like pizza , fries or other carbs once in a while, I have your back. Comment below with your best recipe or GIF of a yummy Super Bowl treat! I will enter ya into a giveaway for some goodness that will keep you covered!! Remember, life is about moderation and enjoying food!!
Happy Hannukah and almost Merry Christmas to those who celebrate. Happy almost end of 2018. I can't believe that the end of ht year is here so fast. I feel like we just started this year in so many ways.
As we get closer to January, we all suddenly seem to think about what our goals were for this year and how much we have to get done to reach them. Some of us give up, thinking that there is no way we can get there. What if we don't reach our goals, but at least we are one step closer than we are today? what if we love ourselves that much louder and try that much harder? Ya never know where it can take ya! Some of us start to make resolutions or goals for the following year-lose weight, eat better, get a better job, get divorced, get married..the list is endless. I challenge you today to answer this-WHY wait? What is stopping you from being a better version of you TODAY? Do not fear if you think it is too much or too hard. Find someone who will help you be accountable and help you get tiny steps closer to whatever goal you want. I can be that person to help you get healthier, financially freer, find more time freedom, find a tribe of amazing people who will lift you up, get thinner, get in shape..the list goes on. I truly love serving others and cheering them on. Let's chat today..I will be waiting!! |