Raise your hand if you stress eat? I am right there with you-well, not as much any more..I used to be a HUGE stress eater. I would eat if I was worried.. then I would worry about gaining weight, so I would stress eat more(makes perfect sense, I know!). If I was going on a trip to visit family, I would be stressed, so I would bring some "comfort snacks" for the drive and the trip... all excuses to stress eat. I would eat without thinking, I would eat to give me something to do, I would eat to keep my brain and hands occupied, thinking that this would make me not notice the stress... HA joke was on me.. I would just be eating,but I would still be stressed.... I helped my mom navigate her way through Alzheimers and I would be so stressed, so busy, so tired, that I would eat less than healthy food... pictures of me back then showed that..there was no hiding it.... I finally realized this was NOT healthy, nor was it helping. Ironically, when my mom was dying, I could not eat at all and I actually felt a bit calmer with it all.... So trust me when I say, I feel you, I see you and I get you.. but I don't want you to stay there... there is a way out!!
1. Recognize that you are eating WAY more than usual. Say it out loud. Whisper it. Write it down. Just think it ..but recognize it. 2. Do NOT punish yourself for what you have been doing-that only makes things worse. Acknowledge what is going on right now that is adding to you wanting/needing to stress eat. 3. Perhaps you are at the hospital for weeks waiting for a loved one to heal. Some people pace-you eat... Try pacing the halls or walking outside instead. You have to get the nervous energy out. Go for a run.. Do a dance party at home before or after you go to the hospital. 4. Journal your feelings-some of us keep our feelings inside and don't want anyone to know them. That is ok-your journal is just for you. Heck, rip the pages or shred them, but get the thoughts out of your head and onto a page. That helps keep your brain busy and your hands busy,so you can't stress eat. 5. Don't buy junk-wow, I know, enlightening..but for real. Don't fall for your brain telling yourself,"It is ok to buy crap, just one more time or just because Mom is in the hospital." Stand up for yourself to yourself and tell your brain NOPE. 6. I like crunch. I like to snack. Cut up carrots. Cup up cucumber. Cut up apples. Cup up nuts. Snack on healthy stuff. Over time, your brain will actually start to crave the better stuff-my hubby thinks I am crazy,but I crave veggies!! It works;) 7 . Last of all, get help. Talk to someone , whether it is a therapist, a religious advisor, a friend, a spouse or heck, even a pet. Getting some support and knowing you are not a lone goes a long way. Best of luck on your stress eating journey. I am always an email away!!
I am 54 and have realized that my health goals are most definitely different than when I was younger. I will sadly admit that I have been "watching" my weight since as far back as HS. I have been "watching " it go up and down for far too long. There are so many trends and diets that come and go.. some that helped me dropped a few pounds and some that helped me lose a bunch. The issue with them all is that they are not sustainable or I finally got to a "good place", so these plans tell me I can start to eat a little more here and there and then...BOOM, the weight is back. I have really dug deep into the WHY I want to lose weight . OF COURSE, we all want to feel good in our own skin and be proud of how we look-I am not gonna lie about that. I love being able to wear what I consider "fun" clothes these last five years. I love how I FEEL more importantly. You never know what life will throw at you as far as work, family , health, etc. I realized that feeling the best I can NOW is so important, so that when life comes out of nowhere and kicks ya in the behind, I can stand back up and brush it off. Five years ago, I took a leap of faith and started using some natural based supplements. I still was in charge of making choices in my food and moving my body more-this is something very different than in the past. It was not a "quick fix". The funny thing is-I lost 10 pounds in the first month, because I was finally taking charge of my life. I started to feel less tired and more healthy overall. I jumped all in and have been selling these products and sharing our lifestyle plan with hundreds of people since. I have lost and kept off 60 pounds and feel so much better. I have some new auto immune disorders that have crept in ,but these products help me manage the extreme fatigue, so I am able to function. I had to take a short break from them after my diagnosis until I could show the products to my dr to be sure they were safe with my medicine-and mannn did I feel the exhaustion and overall BLAH without my wonderful coffee. You don't realize how good something is until you stop. I was so thrilled when he said they were safe and would be fine to continue!! That first sip of brain boosting, calming collagen coffee was amazing!! I have had two rounds of the C virus and that have affected my breathing at times. My walks with the dogs are slower and shorter, but I am working my way back up. I could be mad, or I could be grateful I can walk at all with them. I take each day with my health and find the joy whatever I can. I know that my constant walking before, during and after my illnesses have been beneficial. I know that the supplements before and after are helping me,too. Whatever you choose to do, start today. Want to try supplements? Want to walk more?Want to lift weights? Want to swim? Want to eat less fried food? Want to drink more water? I challenge you to START today- don't focus on the weight loss,but rather on getting and staying healthy. It will help tons! Cheers to good health!! ![]() Happy Spring-it is time to take a deep dive into our shorter clothes , and gasp, even bathing suits!! In honor of that and dealing with some inflammation related to some auto immune diseases, I have jumped into Paleo. Now , before any strict Paleo peeps come at me, please remember the title is "Paleoish". I am all about doing the best we can with what we know and also that when we make health changes, they need to be sustainable. That means, for me, I still eat some chocolate chips and once in a blue moon, I have eaten a dressing or sauce that is not Paleo. To start, what the heck IS Paleo?To me, it is "eating like cavemen did"-if they didn' t have the food, I can't eat it . It is pretty limiting,but also basic. I CAN NOT eat: legumes (including peanuts, but I started back eating those,as they have not made me swell and I love them) beans grains (no wheat/no oats) gluten refined sugar corn ( no nacho chips.....) processed food (never really a good idea) sweetened drinks or soda (also really not a good idea) artificial sweeteners (I did have some when I had Dutch Bros in AZ,but ya gotta live a little;) It was bette r than adding in 90 g sugar in a drink!) tofu many oils white potatoes You CAN eat beef pork (nitrate free) chicken fish ( I love salmon now!) coconut sugar almond butter nuts veggies fruits green peppers/red peppers/tomatoes-allowed,but I also gave them up for a bit,bc they are called nightshades and can cause swelling, so I tested that out) avocado or olive oil olives coconut milk (even full fat) chia seeds sweet potatoes cassasva (a root veggie that makes amazing chips) eggs If you want to know more, please refer to Paleo Running Mama to one of the below sites, as they are far more knowledgeable than I . I just want you know that it IS doable and you will be ok. I don't buy the Paleo sauces/dressings/etc bc they are almost double the non Paleo sauces.. I have learned to make some things on my own with a few spices or just eat salad with no dressing or with lemon. I also have learned to like mustard on tons of things-including tuna fish salad instead of mayo! Your tastebuds truly do change. I am happy to share more and share some recipes I have found and love. Overall, remember when you choose your food, it is not a "diet" but a lifestyle. ENJOY what you are eating and know WHY you are choosing to give something up. Lastly, do not beat yourself up or quit if you eat something on the NO list.. I promise, the two times I had chips n salsa in AZ were worth it;) Let me know if ya give it a try!! Are you guilty, like I was FOREVER, in seeing a vitamin at the store, checking which is the cheapest, and hoping for the best?I mean, I don't science much, so I know the "basic" ingredients or vitamins that most women need. The dr may have suggested, " Be sure you have Vitamin b12 " or " Be sure you have enough Calcium." Other than that, I was on my own.
I also was raised in a medical home-dad was a doctor, mom worked in the hospitals my entire life and my step mom was a surgical nurse-so "alternative meds" or Eastern medicine was never , ever discussed. I have been fortunate to not deal with stress or anxiety as an adult, and other than my lovely autoimmune disorder and degenerative disk disease, I am a pretty healthy chic. So, I , perhaps like you, fell into the " I didn't know what I didn't know until I knew" category. I learned about some vitamins that are all packed together to be sure that the amounts of nutrients are in harmony with each other and thus not negatively impacting each other. I learned about some words I had never heard of " adaptogens " and one ingredient called " Ashwagandha". I researched , and was honestly skeptical ( remember, my medical mind).. However, the Cleveland Clinic states that "Adaptogens are plants and mushrooms that help your body respond to stress, anxiety, fatigue and overall wellbeing. You can take adaptogens by adding them to food or beverages or take them as tinctures. Adaptogens bring your body back to a steady balance by managing both physical and mental stressors." They also state on their website that , " Ashwagandha has a positive effect on the endocrine, nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems by regulating your metabolism and helping you relax by calming how your brain responds to stress. Ashwagandha offers protection for your cells as an antioxidant and reduces swelling (an anti-inflammatory reaction)." So, I figured I would give it a try-couldn't hurt, right? Let me tell you... after one week of taking these vitamins , I was hooked! I have not slept so soundly in years.. like, I dream now, I am sleeping so well:) I also have an extra pep in my step and have some days where I am giddy( yes, I am the queen of joy, but like this is LEVELING UP giddy!). Like I said, I don't get all the science, and I was a skeptic, but I am living , breathing proof that these do what the drs and scientists say. I can share all the science and all the deets of what I use and where I get them if you are open to learning more. I challenge you to give yourself a week and see how you feel! Cheers to a happier and healthier you! ![]() I know, it's the middle of the holiday season-what on earth am I thinking talking about NOT gaining weight-the pandemic alone is enough to make us eat everything in sight and now holidays?! For real..it's possible.. I was one who always ate my stress.. ate my pain...ate my worry...but then I learned there are better ways..thought I could share a few!! First of all... we are not supposed to be eating out much... some states you can't eat in restaurants, others there is limited seating and others made the menus so small, you can't even find your fav dish. That helped me..I mean, I don't go out often anyways,but we definitely lessened how often we brought home bagels and other quick meals.... Second, drink water..there is no excuse-you have it in front of you ALL day. Get a water bottle and add a straw* yes a metal one, chill* It fills ya up, it hydrates you, it helps your skin look better and it flushes out junk..win/win all around. Third, get some healthy supplements... some have appetite suppressants that are natural*none of that fake junk I see people slapping on their skin or popping that gets them shaky and wound up* , some that help melt belly fat and some that give you energy to get off the couch and DO stuff (if you saw my stories on FB or IG today, you would see the whirlwind of goodness I am getting done! Fourth, Intermittent Fast. This has been HUGE for me-there are lots of ways and what you can eat and what you can't ..but I am focusing on the time..I don't eat past 7 or 8 pm and don't eat again until 11am.. Dude, I promise, if I can go that long without food, you can. It has made ME in control of food vs food controlling me.. it's been a life changer. Love to hear what you have done to help yourself during these hard times. I see you, I feel you and I truly want to help you!! #SchleytheDay What is liquid collagen and why is it the big rage?What's the difference between plant collagen and animal collagen? I see collagen that is super cheap-isn't that good enough?
These are some questions that have come up lately and I want to try to address them. Most importantly, there is no such thing as plant collagen. Plants don't have collagen in them, only animals do. Collagen is what holds our body together.It is vital for youthful skin, healthy joints, overall gut health, and healthy nails and hair. As we age, our body produces less, thus we see more wrinkles, fragile nails, and increased joint pain. Our Liquid Collagen, which comes from chicken sternum, has 7 patents and has won over 25 awards, because it is a patented Collagen /Hylaronic Acid(HA) mix. Our bodies also produce HA and it helps with keeping your tissues moist and lubricated. The combination creates the best results in our bodies. Our patented collagen/HA matrix is found in many of our products, so that we can improve our health from the inside , as well as topically. Reach out for more specifics to see what would be best for you and your needs. Hi, I am Alli, a 50 year old who HATED coffee..I know, that's blasphemy... so why on earth am I blogging about coffee? Ah, because,now, I crave it and all its goodness!!
I heard about the benefits of the coffee and I knew that I, like ALL Humans, in my opinion , could benefit. I mean, it helps with memory ,anxiety, brain fog, stress, mood and gives clean, jitter free energy! On top of that, it is full of our liquid collagen which lessens joint discomfort, helps hair grow and creates younger looking skin.. I was in! So I had to find a way to drink it, because everyone loved it and I wanted to enjoy it,too. I made my first cup with unsweetened almond mix and the coffee..I was hooked. I added some ice and chocolate belly blaster and was in Heaven. I was that girl who didn't want to give coffee a try, or try something new.. I am so glad I did,because my brain fog and memory is definitely much improved! I hope you jump in and give it a try!! We could have some cawfee chats:) ![]() I have never been one to love on non toxic products. I mean, to be honest, I thought people were a bit over the top. What's the diff?If the chemicals and bleach were good enough for my parents, they must be good enough for me. The more I started hearing about it recently, the more I checked it out. I tried some hand soap and kitchen cleaner,just to see...and I was BLOWN AWAY. The light citrus smell vs the bleach was an instant win for me. The fact that they cleaned the same as or even better also blew me away... so maybe people knew what they were talking about? I started dabbling and fell in love! I even started telling friends about them. I am also a very thrifty mama,so I wanted to use up what we had at home. Going back to bleach smell was a big eye opener. It took my breath away the first time I used it-how did I not notice it all those times? Now, my body is sensitive to the smells, so it is an instant trigger. Glad I made a choice to do better for my family and me. It is never too late to start over!! When you know more, you do more. I gave up carbs for a few years.. yes, like good ol delicious pasta, rice and bread.. No, I didn't get hard core and give up the carbs in other food like fruit, etc.. Who has time for counting all that stuff? I don't:)
I used to drink shakes,too..like JUST shakes.. maybe a snack and then dinner.. I mean, who has time to give up all the food?I guess I thought it was smart...ummmm..... Fast forward to July where I started learning more about being healthy and eating well vs not eating. Someone told me carbs are actually GOOD for my body-I about laughed in her face..until I understood that they really are energy for the body!! I also learned the difference between "good" carbs and carbs like the pic above...yea, french fries, white pasta and chips don't quite fit in the "good" carbs category. I started eating wheat bread and veggie pasta and was S O happy and stopped drinking shakes and GASP, I started losing inches like never before!! Let's be real, though, sometimes, we want to eat crap. I had a TO DIE FOR gyro last night (I mean, it had onions and tomatoes on it, so that is healthy, right?!) and french fries... I didn't die , didn't gain weight and won't do it again for a few months. I am not indulging in any of the above snacks today-don't even know who is playing in the SB, to be honest!! HOWEVER, if you are or if you like pizza , fries or other carbs once in a while, I have your back. Comment below with your best recipe or GIF of a yummy Super Bowl treat! I will enter ya into a giveaway for some goodness that will keep you covered!! Remember, life is about moderation and enjoying food!! Happy Hannukah and almost Merry Christmas to those who celebrate. Happy almost end of 2018. I can't believe that the end of ht year is here so fast. I feel like we just started this year in so many ways.
As we get closer to January, we all suddenly seem to think about what our goals were for this year and how much we have to get done to reach them. Some of us give up, thinking that there is no way we can get there. What if we don't reach our goals, but at least we are one step closer than we are today? what if we love ourselves that much louder and try that much harder? Ya never know where it can take ya! Some of us start to make resolutions or goals for the following year-lose weight, eat better, get a better job, get divorced, get married..the list is endless. I challenge you today to answer this-WHY wait? What is stopping you from being a better version of you TODAY? Do not fear if you think it is too much or too hard. Find someone who will help you be accountable and help you get tiny steps closer to whatever goal you want. I can be that person to help you get healthier, financially freer, find more time freedom, find a tribe of amazing people who will lift you up, get thinner, get in shape..the list goes on. I truly love serving others and cheering them on. Let's chat today..I will be waiting!! |